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March 30, 2008



Bean, this is great! You got me thinking on a Sunday morning before coffee. I'm going to past this along to friends and family.
Good times!!!



I think about Hey all the time. I was heart broken when he passed. Your blog made me cry and laugh. I'm glad you included some humorous answers. Some people don't understand how the loss of a pet can affect the owner. When my cat, Sammy died I had to take two days off of work. When I got back to work, I took a lot of crap from people who aren't animal lovers. To them I say, "Go to hell." Our pets are our children and we love them.

Thank you for being you! I appreciate you more than I can express. Great blog as always

cathy g

You have a daughter???? my daughter will be 16 next month and her driving scares me too!

I am sorry that you are still missing your cow... to lose someone you hold dear to your heart is something you never recover from.

I posted the meme on my blog.... it was fun.

me! =)

Hey Bean! Thanks for questionnaire to fill out! I just started a blog about a week ago so I put it on! Check it out if you like.......

Also, my heart goes out to you about "Hey"...... It will be 6 years on April 17th that I had to put down my dog (aka- my baby) I still think about him all the time....... It does get easier though......

me =)


hey, bean - another excellent blog, as always...

i have a challenge to help you with the first of the "two things you wish you could learn..."

perhaps a blog entirely in spanish? =)



fun fun fun!! Thanks Bean! Although I'm sorry to hear about your saddess in missing Hey so much. It's horrible when the ones we treasure are no longer there.

Have a good week.


I enjoyed your answers. I am sure Hey misses you as well. Daughter? Thanks for that info Bean? Who knew? I posted my answers at


Bean, I haven't done a meme for a long time, but I liked this one. thanks for posting it. I posted it on my blog as well at

Take Care,


Sorry my link was wrong :( I meant here.


BEAN-- if you wanna try the best turkey burger on earth-- get it at Mimi's Cafe. They have amazing turkey burgers.


Who the hell is Melissa? Is it toast?

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