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April 04, 2008



You are so lucky to live where you live. Did Tater interact with Peanut?

Speaking of Peanuts, I'm happy to say I ate peanuts for the first time in 5 years and am hooked on them again!


TGI Tater Tot Friday!


I think you need to put out a Tot calendar


what a gorgeous beachbunny she makes! i bet she turns all the boys heads!


Boy you'd better hope comment #3 doesn't get quoted out of context.

Following #1's lead, I think I will eat Tater Tots for the first time in more than five years. I predict I will also get hooked on them again.


He's looking pretty handsome there on the beach.

me! =)

Oh Bean.... You'll never know how jealous I am of you!!!

Me! =)

PS- Wrote about you & Tater yesterday on my blog..... Check it out! =)

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