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August 29, 2008



NO, NO, NO! Bean, I'm going to miss your blog, especially TTF. Thank you.

p.s. Donna has a great rack


Thanks for the Blog Bean. When will season 3 begin. Have a great time in Finland.

P.S. Ditto about Donna's rack. Damn son!


Way to bum me out Captain Bring Down. Thanks for all the hard work.


Wha-- you have seasons? So when will season three begin? Where will I get my TaterTot Fridays? Where will I read about all sorts of things that other blogs do not cover?

Today is a sad day for me.

Dierdre Jean

What? No more Bean's blog? Say it ain't so!
I know I don't post often, but I always enjoy reading your blog. Sorry to see it go.....again.

Miller family

No, no, no! No more TTF? What will I do?

Thanks for all your hard work. You have provided loads of entertainment for our whole family. Our bulldog Maddie and our family will miss the daily dose of Bean's wackness!

We will patiently await season 3... or not so patiently!


I'll be checking for your return. I can't believe you won't be blogging about your trip to Finland - or the offbeat, yet amazing sights you will be seeing. i think Season Three will begin shortly after your return. Have a great vacation, Bean.


Thanks Bean, Donna, Mystery Daughter, Tot, and all other 'children' at the Baxter abode.

Have a great time in Finland!

Looking forward to hearing from you in the near future (damn what everyone else thinks).


brother john

If it has to end, then I'm glad it's on a high note. It takes talent to make writing a blog look easy.
Who is Henry?

[ b ] e c k e r

bean, gonna miss your blog again bro... just do us a favor. and at least leave this one up as an archive. have fun in finland. take lots of photos and keep in touch. sorry the M's suck this year.


Again? Argh! Well, have a good time in Finland, I look forward to season 3. I hope it's not too long of a break.


Dear Bean,
I had a friend who had this type of dog. The dogs name was Dolores (Spanish for pain). One day while in the yard with Dolores she ate a pile of her own wet crap then vomited it up then ate it again. This had to be the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed.
This event has left a scar on my mind for life. Every Friday I relive this event by the mere glimpse of your tater's sweet face thanks to you.

now what will I have?


Self Centered and Disgusted


I'll really miss you.


Thanks for all your posts. Its hard to write something all the time and gotta give you props for that. Have a great vacation and hopefully we can see some great pictures of your trip.


Tater Tot Friday is my favorite day. I love seeing her cute little face with her cute little under bite.
Blog again soon, and please make sure to include Tater Tot in it!

Erick V.

Have a great vacation Bean. The internets thank you for giving us all something to look forward to with our morning cups. Speaking of cups, Donna, huh? Nice! I am sure we all anticipate you're return. Thanks for the mammaries (oops) memories.
Take care!

Ian Aguilar


First and most importantly, your wife is a fox. Wtf.

Second, I forbid you to leave this, even for a short period. That was never made clear to me going into this project.


The thing I love about bulldogs is how, because of the way they are built, EVERY-thing takes so much effort. It is so cute! I love Tot's tongue as she trudges through the grass. She probably took a nap shortly after that - too much work!

We will miss your musings. Enjoy the break and your vacation.


It's just a good thing school will begin soon and, as a teacher, I'll have middle schoolers to laugh at again!! Otherwise ... I would be very sad! Enjoy your time off -- you've earned it!


Um...Some advance notice would have been nice. That was a shock. I will miss your blog so much. When will you be back? Have fun in Finland!

Chris Kiefer

Bean, are you going on a Writer's Strike against your own blog or something? So sad. :(

I agree with Becker, please leave this one as an archive at the least.

I'll look forward to Season 3 (hopefully soon). Have a fun time on your trip!


Bean! I didn't realize this was a short term project, but I have really enjoyed your blog ... Season 1 & Season 2.

Thanks for your time well spent and holy mother of god, I didn't realize that Tater sounded like that!

Have a safe vacation <3

PS Donna is the best wife! Nice.


Noooooooooo!!! It's like watching the last episode of season 2 of Friday Night Lights. Is it coming back?? When?? I can't possibly wait that long!!

Enjoy the break. You will be missed.


p.s. I don't really consider myself a boob person but HELLO?! Yowza, Mrs. Bean.


NOOOOOO!!!! You can't do this again!!!! :-(

So, I totally didn't read the first paragraph and instead jumped straight to the first picture (the only one I could see), read the topic (end of season 2) and assumed, naturally, that this was a picture of Kate (from Lost) tripping and hitting her head on a rock, and I was like "I don't remember that happening... and why is he watching season 2 now?"


Hey Bean - Where was the warning that the end of the "season" was coming? You caught us off guard! Another vote to please bring it back as soon as possible - we need it! Also, as a reader who's always been a bit indifferent towards Tater Tot Friday, I motion that future Fridays instead feature photos of Donna's chest region. Who's with me???

Have fun in Finland.


Aw, crap.


PS here's a funny blog, different than Bean's but, well, just read it.


Sad day, Bean. Hope season 3 begins soon, despite what your co-workers might tell you. I started my own blog and can't believe you write EVERYDAY. It's quite impressive and it will be missed!

And yes, Donna's boobs look magnificent.


We're going to miss you Bean...BTW...pic 3...nice melons!!!


Nooooooooo...I can't go without my look at your blog. It is my one true vice...that truly makes me think at times...and brings a smile. Now what. Tell me it isn't over, over. Just suspended until after Finland. Please come back Bean! Please.


giggity-if something bad happens to you can I have Donna?


Tater Tot is so adorable, going to miss Tater Tot's Fridays!!!
I will miss your blog as well!!!
p.s. Bean, Donna is going to very upset with you!


Are you kidding me? AGAIN? Gone? WTF Bean?!?! It's a good thing I heart you and will wait for you for as long as I need to until you return to me and make my day better by knowing that you are in it each day. Have a great vacation. Oh and yeah, HUGE kudos to the Mrs......


Bean, how can you do this to us again? I know you are going on your vacation, but hopefully you will once again be posting after you get back? Your blog is one of the only personal blogs I read. Heck I even link to you on my website! - Personal Blog

And for those that live, play, work, eat, in Orange County, CA it's a restaurant review site that I have been doing for some time.

I'll miss you man. Can't want to see more pictures of your animals, I always share those with my wife.

Take Care. :(


i think it's a work in progress, but


What will we do? I've never posted a comment (till now) but you have no idea how many times your blog has made me the smartest person in the room! I enjoy it daily and look forward to it's imminent return (that means FAST!)

Have a great vacation!!!


Damn Bean,
There you go again. You get us hooked and then leave town. Never filled us in on Betsy, haven't given us an update on your beach front remodel, and now I guess we won't hear about or see pictures of your trip to Finland. And you did it again, quit just shy of blogging for 1 year. All I can say is thanks again for gracing us with a small snapshot of your interesting life. You have a lot of fans out there that will miss your daily posts. I am with others here; I know that you have probably made up your mind as to what you will do but could you consider leaving the archives up for a while in case we need a fix (you didn't for Season 1). At least there is your day job. Hoping for a Season 3. Maybe if there is, my work will not block it as they do now. Be safe on your trip.

p.s. Not a retarded blog.

Lonely Housewife

Well, although I didn't comment as much as should/could, THANK YOU again for a great start to each and every day!

I've loved the subjects, the photos and your generosity in sharing yourself with us again! Here's to waiting (not patiently) for Season Three!!

Much Love!!!


i'll miss my daily dose of random trivia. hopefully you'll be back soon with plenty more.

The Secret

Whose the chick? She's got nice cans. I can do without the dog pics though.

Kings Fan

Didn't see that coming (that's what she said). I'm sure you could use the break from writing, so have a great trip. I hope there's a Season 3 of your posts.

BTW everyone - I already knew Donna was smoking hot. She's been smoking hot for years!

Monica W.

I'm just a little heart broken that this is it. I'm thrilled and excited for you to be going on Vacation and will be in Finland. Go have fun, get lost, experiance all the newspaper museums you want!! I looked forward to reading your blog every morning when i got into work, and TTF made fridays (already awesome on their own just for being fridays) even better... i will miss reading all you have to share with us. dont stay away to long!!!
and again have an amazing vacation!!!


So did you ever think of leaving this blog open so people can check once in a while to see how to find your new site? You make it hard on a lot of the readers to find you when you start a new one.

I was gonna write about how much I'll miss the blog and how much I like the unique topics you come up with...BUT.... I'd rather say bye to Donnas rack!! Nice going BEAN, Your Fu*^#$@ pimp,son!!! Hope you start writing again SOOOOON. Have fun with the family and go to a all nude spa in finland...PEACE...... When can we hope to see your wonderful master pieces up again?!?!?! e-mail me :]


Bon voyage, Bean! Send or post photos! (And if you see any leftover t-shirts from the Air Guitar championships, can you grab one for me? I'll pay you back. Honest!)

For posterity, here are my blogs: - general stuff; news about my online show. (There's boobage in the show, though of course not nearly as nice as Donna's. Hi, Donna!) - people ask me questions. I sometimes answer them.

Edmund F

Bean we love you so..
Please don't go. Don't go away.
Please don't go.


damnit! this is a bad day - first i found a dead cat in the back yard, then i heard about palin, and now this!!! well, at least you went out with a bang - great shots of tot, and no typo's today! thanx for providing a bright spot in so many of my days!


when i saw 46 comments i thought everyone was commenting on why you didnt have Donna Fridays instead of Tater Tot Fridays... but i was wrong.
i think next time you go on a hiatus you should warn us first. now what am i going to do during my lunch break??
have a great vacation! and thanks for the not-retarded lunchtime entertainment :-)


Hi Bean, Tater, and the rest of your family,

I'm so sorry to see you go! You've become a regular pitstop for me every Friday. Tater looks a lot like my Emma (she's just about six months old now), and I revel in every picture, every word, every... every. I hope that you return soon; even though I don't "know" you, I do. This medium lends itself to instant connections (as it did with my husband almost 20 years ago when CompuServe was busy with 200 people online on a Friday night). Emma shall miss Tater, too - she loves to look at the pictures. I've just shown her the video, and she's enthralled.

All that being said, may the wind always be at your backs, and may your return be swift. Wherever you go, whatever you do, take care of that rumbling, burping, farting child of yours. Bullies are farters, not fighters, you know. :)


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