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August 28, 2008


Emily Alexis

As someone who is in the process of starting up my own cake decorating business, I thank you for this website. Not only did it make me laugh, but it sure does make me feel a lot better about my own talent!!


This made my day! I love cakes AND humor, so it was a perfect match.


Point for cake!

Sandy Weaver Carman

Sending this to a darling niece so she can see what NOT to aspire to...thanks, Bean!

Anthony from sylmar

Nick didn't kill anyone, but he might as well have, the poor guy is a damn vegetable.. back from Iraq and this is what you get ... LETS KILL THE HOGANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or push them into a hole ... whatever...

The Secret

BIG point for pie!

How much is Mrs. Croc Hunter Widow going to milk this whole thing? Ditch the khakis, come up from down under, and pose for Penthouse!

Another point for PIE!!

Sunny Days

That Bindi Irwin cake is just creepy. What the hell was she thinking?

BTW, Bon Voyage, Bean!


I want that clown one for my birthday.

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